Apple, Godiva and Google are just a few brands that I easily identify with. Why? Because when I think of them I know what the brands stand for – dependability, quality and consistency. I always know what I am going to get with those companies; there is no mystery. Even if other companies are more price-competitive, I stay loyal to these brands because I know they don’t waste my time.
Same thing applies to our own personal brands. If you have a strong personal brand presence, people will feel the same about you! And when they do, you won’t have to chase opportunities, they will naturally come to you. People will refer you easily because they trust you, because there is no mystery.
So my question to you is: are you chasing opportunities and customers or is your personal brand a magnet for great things? When it is, you’ll be able to focus more on delivery and maybe even a little more fun!
After listening to many people wanting to make changes in their career, I’ve come to the conclusion that the biggest barrier to finding that next step you desire is a lack of attention to the BRAND CALLED YOU! You may move the dial marginally, but you’re not really spending the time on your personal brand that such an endeavor needs and deserves.
Is your current personal brand up to your standard? Do you even know what your standard is?
In the last quarter 2009, we created a well-attended three-part webinar series on personal branding that had some hard hitting eye-openers. If you want more information about that, contact me.
Because I feel that people are still struggling, and that poor personal branding is one of the main reasons for not getting what you want, I will be addressing this topic in every issue of our ezine this year, taking you through a series of questions and exercises. I hope you will participate in this and discover what you need in your personal branding to play at a bigger level.
You may have just made it through this economic tsunami, but will you be prepared for the next big change? Whether you are highly successful, just starting out or looking to re-career, ask yourself this question: now what?
Being overly prepared is a good thing. Take the time to invest in you!
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