In this issue:
- In Our Opinion: 2013 Brand Planning
- Blog Roundup (LinkedIn Endorsements, Online ID Survey)
- Client Spotlight: James Brett
- Career Announcements
In Our Opinion: 2013 Brand Planning
by Jeff Gundersen & Lola White
On behalf of our colleagues at Executive Connections LLC, we begin by sending all our clients and friends best wishes for a Happy Holiday season!
Especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which devastated so many families, we invite you to join us in making a year-end donation to the Red Cross ( or another non-profit offering assistance to families in need.
Now is the ideal time to start planning to reach your goals for 2013. At EC, we believe personal brand development is one of the keys to creating a strong reputation on- and off-line, and this requires an active, ongoing personal brand management process.