After you’ve submitted your resume and requirements through our portal, here’s what you can expect.
Step One: Telephone Call
Once Executive Connections identifies a position that might be a potential fit with your background and objectives, we will call you to discuss this opportunity. We will also e-mail you a position specification outlining all the duties, responsibilities and qualifications required for each position. We evaluate your requirements as they relate to the position and interview you again based on your interest and overall fit.
Step Two: Personal Meeting
Once Executive Connections and you agree an opportunity is worth pursuing, we meet with you in person for a face-to-face interview. We never forward your resume to our clients without having completed this step.
Step Three: Candidate Presentation & Reference Checking
Executive Connections checks your references and prepares a written evaluation and recommendation to present to our client.
Step Four: Client Interviews & Feedback
Executive Connections coordinates your interview at the client site and facilitates the feedback between our client and you.
Step Five: Offer & Negotiations
Executive Connections prepares and delivers your job offer. Since we pre-qualify your interest and compensation expectations prior to the offer stage surprises at this stage are kept to a minimum.
Step Six: Executive Coaching/On-Boarding Assistance
Executive Connections provides you with six months of executive coaching, beginning on the date you accept your offer, to provide every possible support and continued involvement to assure you get off to a successful start in your new position.